Son calcaire jurassique valanginien offre 119 voies, 20-50 m, 4c-8a, en majorité dans le 6a-6c. Orientation sud-est. Le site est très beau car aucune route ne passe dans cette partie des gorges de l'Ain.
Located 18 km east of Bourg-en-Bresse, in the gorges of the river Ain, the Rocher de Jarbonnet was a classic crag in the seventies whose frequentation decreased in the eighties because of its obsolete equipement and due to the mack of an up-to-date climbing guide. In 1994 the technology of its equipment was completely, but anchors are still purposely distant. In fact the revised equipment claims to be in deliberate opposition with the present climbing fashion where the climber goes from an anchor to the next one with the only concern of performing the moves. This is the reason why in Jarbonnet only the hardest moves of each route are correctly protected, while a climber attemting a route above his real « on sight » level is likely to fall by not less than 15 m (this is sais in the new climbing guide). In other words, fingers and arms are not sufficient in Jarbonnet, you also need using your head.
Its valanginian jurassic limestone offers 119 voies, 20-50 m, 4c-8a, most of them 6a-6c. Facing south-east. The place is beautiful since there is no road inside that part of the Ain gorges.
À Hautecourt sur D979 (Bourg -- Nantua) prendre au N la direction de Cize par D59 sur 2,5 km ; prendre à droite (E) jusqu'au hameau de Villette ; prendre la première à gauche puis la première à droite jusqu'au « Belvédère sur l'Ain », parking ; prendre en sous-bois un sentier balisé (rouge et jaune) à gauche en arrivant au belvédère. Ensuite 20 min de marche.
In Hautecourt on road D979 (Bourg -- Nantua) turn north in direction Cize by D59 for 2.5 km ; turn right (E) until the small village of Villette ; take first read left then first road on the right until « Belvédère sur l'Ain », parking ; at the entrance of the vista point, take left a red and yellow marked footpath underwoods. Then walk 20 min.