- ENE : est-nord-est / east by northeast
- ESE : est-sud-est / east by southeast
- NE : nord-est / northeast
- NNE : nord-nord-est / north by northeast
- NNW : nord-nord-ouest / north by northwest
- NW : nord-ouest / northwest
- SE : sud-est / southeast
- SSE : sud-sud-est / south by southeast
- SSW : sud-sud-ouest / south by southwest
- SW : sud-ouest / southwest
- WNW : ouest-nord-ouest / west by northwest
- WSW : ouest-sud-ouest / west by southwest
- ONF : Office national des forêts (a State administration in charge
of managing State forests and other forests owned by communes or
- UIAA : Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme / UIAA: International Union of Alpine Associations
une collaboration COSIROC et
© CoSiRoc [Taupin] 03/09/2005